The Super REAL Human Podcast

real. meaningful. musings.

Announcing…The Super REAL Human Podcast!

By Maura Webster | Oct 14, 2021 | Comments Off on Announcing…The Super REAL Human Podcast!

Hey there! If you follow me at all on social media, you’ll see that I’ve launched a podcast this past spring. To help you get caught up, here are the first five episodes! You can find Super Real Human on Apple podcast, or your favorite podcasting platform! Below are links to each episode on Listen…

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Love Up the One Thing that Needs it the Most

By Maura Webster | Feb 23, 2021 | Comments Off on Love Up the One Thing that Needs it the Most

This is about when I take a deep breath and remember that this is the time of the year when the newness has worn off. And, the snow is piling up, it’s cold, and we’re still at home. A LOT. But here’s the real challenge… Maybe you finished out 2020 with perfectly mapped out plans…

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Be a Cindy Lou Who

By Maura Webster | Dec 8, 2020 | Comments Off on Be a Cindy Lou Who

So… last month I told you that Thanksgiving has always been one of my faves, if not my #1 favorite holiday.  And it still is…although this year, it looked NOTHING like the typical celebration that I love. I was alone during the day. It’s a long story, but between new travel restrictions and parenting schedules,…

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A Different Way to Hustle

By Maura Webster | Nov 4, 2020 | Comments Off on A Different Way to Hustle

November is becoming my favorite month.  Thanksgiving has always been one of my faves, if not my #1 favorite holiday.  And, my business seems to thrive this time of year. Of course, that feels good. I mean, it feels AHmazing, amiright??? But the reason WHY it’s typically the best month in terms of revenue is something I’ve…

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How I Made My Big Dream a Reality…

By Maura Webster | May 26, 2020 | Comments Off on How I Made My Big Dream a Reality…

Dreams… We have them when we’re sleeping AND when we’re awake. Our subconscious authors the former, which totally fascinates me…especially right now.  Lately, my dreams have been wild. My brain is definitely feeling the effects of the COVID quarantine, and let’s just say my sleep hasn’t been all that peaceful lately.  But the other dreams,…

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Here’s how we’re surviving what I’m calling “Mandatory Family Fun Time”…

By Maura Webster | Apr 23, 2020 | Comments Off on Here’s how we’re surviving what I’m calling “Mandatory Family Fun Time”…

As I’ve fallen a bit out of my morning routine these past few weeks…I’ve learned (the hard way) what the non-negotiable things are for me to be a happy, energetic, positive (read: not crazy and stressed out and keeping the “fun” in family fun time) Mamma… Shower every day (yes, it was getting a little lax) Meditate…

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Confessions of a Control Freak

By Maura Webster | Feb 18, 2020 | Comments Off on Confessions of a Control Freak

Control freak. I used to be one. A “Control Enthusiast” as my mentor says.  I thought that in order to be successful, to reach my “goals”, I had to be in complete control.  I thought that to raise my girls right and to have a long, loving marriage, I had to be in control of…

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How to Improve Your Business Through Mindset

By Maura Webster | Aug 14, 2019 | Comments Off on How to Improve Your Business Through Mindset
How to Improve Your Business Through Mindset2

Last week on Instagram and Facebook we talked all about mindset. All the things, like abundance, money mindset, positivity, and self-care, are part of a joyFUL life. And, from my business running mamma perspective, mindset is SERIOUSLY everything.  I’m writing this reflective blog from the chair at one of my happy places, The Spa at…

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How to: Cure the Social Media Headache

By Maura Webster | Jul 24, 2019 | Comments Off on How to: Cure the Social Media Headache
How to Cure the Social Media Headache1

One of the things I hear most often from small business owners and entrepreneurs is that social media gives them the biggest headache! Either they don’t know how it works, don’t have the time for it, or it feels like such a HUGE pressure – performance anxiety at its WORST!  You might be feeling this…

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Self Employed and Unplugged: A Story of Survival

By Maura Webster | Jun 17, 2019 | Comments Off on Self Employed and Unplugged: A Story of Survival
Self Employed and Unplugged: A Story of Survival

This spring, over Easter weekend actually, my love and I took off for a few days in sunny Florida…which was heavenly, especially if you know what the weather has been like in New England this spring! Neither one of us had our girls for the weekend, and after the last 12 months, we both needed…

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