Super REAL Human Podcast – Unpacking Excuses and Owning Your Business: Getting Back on Track

Episode #122

We all make excuses, but owning them is key.  In this episode of Super Real Human, I share my personal journey over the last several years with life’s challenges and how they can easily transition into excuses.

From juggling caretaking duties and personal setbacks to reclaiming my energy and reigniting the passion in my business, I discovered the power to bring joy and success back into life and business after a period of personal upheaval.

It’s all about owning our roles, embracing the ebb and flow of all the things, and finding your sweet spot to harness your personal energy and have a positive impact on your business.

In this episode, I cover:

  • Acknowledging the tendency to make excuses
  • Facing personal challenges and reclaiming focus and energy in business
  • Knowing it’s ok to shift priorities through certain seasons of life
  • Recognizing the importance of balancing masculine and feminine energy
  • Embracing newfound energy and dedication to business goals

Work with me! 

Introducing Mini-Sessions!

The hardest part of doing anything…

Is getting started. 

Do you have a laundry list of marketing stuff you want to do but don’t know where or how to start?

Do you have loads of questions and ideas but need someone with the expertise, experience, and empathy to help you get the strategy and action items in place – and maybe check a few off your list?

Work with me for 90 minutes, and we’ll identify, prioritize, and get you clear and ready to DO the things to get you moving. 

Need more than a mini-sesh??

Private coaching & mentorship is now open! Let’s take your business (and life) to the next level! The support, mentorship, and transformation that happens inside this 1:1 container is unlike any other. It’s time to set yourself and your business up for success and joy in 2024!

Need more inspirational guidance on how to make your passion a reality? Follow me on Facebook and Instagram where I share stories and practical tips to help you untangle what stands between you and a successful business!

I want to hear from you and why you’re here! Send me an email and tell me all about you!

You can find Super Real Human on Apple podcast, or your favorite podcasting platform!

Below is the link to the episode on Google Podcasts.

Episode #122